Fog over the Golden Gate Bridge
Fog over the Golden Gate Bridge


With temperatures around the country soaring, 游客可以在贝博体彩app避暑,同时享受室外和室内的夏日乐趣

June 21, 2024年(贝博体彩app)——马克·吐温的那句“我度过的最冷的冬天是贝博体彩app的一个夏天”至今仍被错误地引用,这是有原因的.” While other parts of the country are sweltering, 贝博体彩app夏季的平均最高气温在华氏60到70度之间, 让这座海湾之城成为避暑胜地.

那些想要降温的人可以探索这座城市的标志性景点, scenic nature, walkable neighborhoods, exciting culinary scene, 充满活力的艺术和文化,同时利用夏季促销活动, night markets, festivals and new activities

San Francisco boasts over 250 hotels; here is a sampling of summer offerings from properties across the city: 

The San Francisco Marriott Marquis’sStay Longer and Explore SF Summer套餐包括至少在高级套房住两晚,以及两人乘坐空调汽车进行三小时的城市私人旅行,以及厨师策划的夏季野餐篮. 客人可以选择以标志性地标为主题的“经典探险”之旅,也可以选择以教会区(Mission District)和海特阿什伯里(Haight Ashbury)等值得instagram关注的景点为主题的“海湾城市时尚之旅”.

Kimpton’s Hotel Enso is offering a “Homerun” package featuring two-night accommodations, 两张贝博体彩app巨人队主场甲骨文公园比赛的门票, an immersive Oracle Park tour experience, 往返甲骨文公园的汽车交通, 以及一套赛前球迷套装,里面有包括防晒霜在内的比赛日必需品, a clear bag and a Giants ballcap

W San Francisco in partnership with REI is offering a “Kayak under the Golden Gate Bridge” excursion. The hotel also is featuring a “Pets Are Welcome” (P.A.W.)计划,以及针对加州居民的特别住宿优惠,周四至周一期间的预订可打八折.

For its “Splash + Spin” package, LUMA San Francisco 与SpinOut Fitness合作,提供独一无二的水上体验,让游客通过水上自行车观光. Set in the Mission Bay neighborhood, SpinOut健身体验从南海滩港口码头(距离LUMA步行距离)出发,进行一到三英里的短途旅行,包括海湾大桥和渡轮大厦等贝博体彩app地标.

The Palace Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, is featuring a “Family Connecting Room套餐包括两间相连的客房,并享有相邻的豪华单人间价格的30%折扣. The hotel’s heated indoor pool, crowned with a glass roof, 夏季有充气玩具,周六还有“潜水电影之夜”等活动.

The Beacon Grand’sSummer in the City套餐为客人提供两晚住宿最高25%的折扣. The hotel’s new bar & 在Starlite休息室,可以欣赏到贝博体彩app天际线的美景.

Presidio Lodging’s Lodge at the Presidio and Inn at the Presidio’s “Beat the Heat” package includes parking, a commemorative gift, breakfast, and a wine and cheese reception. 这些历史遗迹位于贝博体彩app的普雷西迪奥, 俯瞰金门大桥的国家公园遗址.

Hotel Zoe Fisherman’s Wharf is offering “The Ultimate SF Summer,提供三晚住宿九折优惠,外加50美元的用餐积分. 酒店的户外庭院特色的葡萄酒和烤s 'mores周围的火坑在晚上.

The Marker Union Square San Francisco 目前提供了几个套餐,包括“Savor San Francisco” and promoting the roster of exciting events in Union Square taking place throughout the summer.

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco unveiled its third installation of Solaire Terrasse 凯歌酒店位于露台庭院,俯瞰城市标志性的天际线. 每月的最后一个周日和10月份的每个周日都有凯歌夫人下午茶, 再加上第一款以凯歌香槟为灵感的零酒精冰糕——由Gelato Festival出品的La Grand Dame冰糕.

In addition to exclusive offers, The Hyatt Regency San Francisco 向这座城市标志性的凉爽天气致敬,创意地命名为“Calling Karl Cocktail," featured on the Eclipse Happy Hour menu. The distinctive drink with dry gin, 酸橙汁姜汁啤酒是对“迷雾卡尔”的致敬,当地人给经常笼罩这座城市的浓雾起了一个亲切的绰号.

The Z Hotels SF properties—Hotel Zetta, Hotel Zeppelin, and Hotel Zelos— in downtown San Francsico are offering bold packages to match the hotel’s personalities, including the “Zelos Rebel Society,” “Weekend Warrior,” and “The Bungalow.” 

The Hotel Castro will launch a "Chill in The Castro的项目,重点是户外体验的策划指南,以及与当地卡斯特罗企业的合作,突显了社区充满活力的氛围. 

Hotel Nikko San Francisco is offering special amenities and more with a “Bloom Event” package in tandem with the “Union Square in Bloom夏季庆祝活动,以现代的方式庆祝该地区的花卉遗产.

The Hilton Union Square is offering a “Family Exploration Weekend套餐包括保证有两张大床的房间和最多四张贝博体彩app获奖大巴士之旅的通行证.

Four Seasons Hotel at the Embarcadero and Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco 你们有"入住更长时间"的促销活动,可以免费住第四晚吗.

为了庆祝今年夏天《贝博体彩》将在贝博体彩app奥菲姆剧院上演 Fairmont San Francisco is offering an array of summer Wicked activations, including Wicked at the Fairmont Afternoon Tea, 一份特别的汤加鸡尾酒和一个房间套餐,包括酒店的独家住宿 Wicked-themed suite in the properties Tower building with views across the Bay.



贝博体彩app旅游局是贝博体彩app市和贝博体彩app县的官方旅游目的地营销机构. 这座城市是美国最热门的旅游和会议目的地之一.S., attracting over 23 million visitors annually. 2023年,与游客相关的总支出贡献了9美元.为贝博体彩app经济贡献了30亿美元,并提供了近6.3万个就业岗位.

有关贝博体彩app的预订、活动和更多信息,请访问 gi.ya742.com

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